Welcome to the commentary page! Before reading, I recommend you to check out the comic first (start here). With that getting out of the way, let's get started!

1. Introduction

First off: why did I make this? Just why? That's a really good question. About a month ago as of writing this (I wrote this at 16/06/2024), I stumbled upon an upload from a YouTuber named Shadow the Hedgehog in my recommendation. Don't remember which one, but I think it was this. Now, I never watched those kind of stuff, like that was really weird. So with a bravery, I clicked it.

That.. was something. Before that, I knew Sonic the Hedgehog's fandom was weird, but that video was what made me fall into the rabbit hole of Sonic comic dubs on YouTube. Heck, I even made a "ranking list" of all the comic dubs I watched, because when I saw that, it got me thinking. There's no such thing weirder than that. So I took off the quest into making a satirical Sonic comic (I plan to dub it later) as "offensive" as I can, with a little help of my friends.

Something I noticed in these comics are that they are either normal or plain weird. I took inspirations from these weird comics. Don't know the actual authors are, but here are the dubs I found on YouTube:

There's actually a looooooot more but the list would be very long. Also, I made the drawings in Ibis Paint. I drew the slides in my phone first, show it to my friends, laugh, and so on until it's 100% done. After that, I downloaded all the PNGs. I made this website for personal purposes, but I thought about putting it here too and so I did. The only Sonic games I've played are the ones that have been ported to mobile platforms and that one Sonic All-Star Racing game in my PS3, so not sure if the characters are accurate. I've seen clips of Sonic Adventure gameplay before though. I ran out of things to say so let's begin to the actual thing.

2. Nighty Night

You can read it here

I actually made the slides for the dream part first! I made those dreamy backgrounds in Ibis Paint by mishmashing the brush option, then blur it so much, and put more effects. Sonic is also the first character I draw. When making it, everything was supposed to be bad until I started drawing Trouble at Tails'. Also, do you notice the bad grammar and punctuation errors? Well, this comic has unintentional inconsistencies where the characters sometime speak in "perfect" English and then it breaks into lolcat. Keep in mind that I'm not a native English speaker so it may be hard for you to guess which one is intentional and which one is not.

In the third slide, we can see that Sonic actually ran an unsuccessful chili dog business. This never mentioned again until like I Love You. Then the scene cuts into Sonic sleeping in the bed. I actually took this scene from my older drawing, specifically the thumbnail of a drafted PlanetMinecraft blog where I document my weird dreams! I just replaced the terrified-looking dreaming stickman with Sonic.

There's a part where the voice inside Sonic's head showed him the pictures of Sonic's friends. Here are his friends I drew first in order: Tails, Knuckles, Amy. Or was it Knuckles, Tails, Amy? I'm not sure. Wait do you notice that? In this slide, it's very easy to tell that I was lazy to draw the hands. And it even has an error too! Also when I wrote this, I just noticed that here, I accidentally placed a hideous dot in the middle of the voice inside Sonic's head's messages. So that sucks. Then there's a scene where an unnamed couple are kissing each other. These are the only original characters in the comic that is completely original!

Now, it's time for the references. The house drawing of Sonic was inspired by my old YouTube PFP. It's hidden in my files on my computer somewhere but it's definitely inspired. Second, the weird background imagery was kinda inspired by the things moving in the album cover of Mouth Dreams in this video. Yeah it's easy to tell that I'm a Neil Cicierega Mouth Albums listener :3. I never saw two couples kissing in real life before, but the kissing part was inspired by a scene in that one Eddie Murphie movie where he is a robot. I think it was Meet Dave or something.

3. Amy Rose

You can read it here

First off, the first slide was a copy of Sonic sleeping on the last chapter and that explains the reason why the eyes look off. When I made this, I didn't learn the technique where you can just cover the eyes in an another layer. Then it cuts into a censored Sonic showering. I forgot to put the shower handler here, but don't worry he's actually showering not performing a ritual in a middle of a rubber room. A rubber room with no rats. And rats did not make him crazy.

Then it cuts off to a slide where Sonic imagining Amy naked with bikinis. This is actually the only time Amy was showed that way. Did I regret making it? Kinda. In fact this whole comic is something I would regret making two years later. *cough* *cough* Wait did you see that? Sonic's feet changed! So there's a running gag where some characters don't wear shoes and only barefoot naked, and every some scenes the foot shape changes.

For the next slide, I was lazy into making another house so I took Sonic's house's first half and mirrored it. Also it changes shot and the door colour switched from gold to tan. Weird, eh? But that's to be expected when I was making this mostly as a joke. Then Sonic knocks on the door and waited for a minute. In the actual comic dub, I want to make viewers actually wait for a minute. Wouldn't that be funny? Then I have to draw Amy wearing a bathrobe. I've seen many skits where to potray female characters, the actor just used a bathrobe. I think those skits were made by The Mannii Show. It's inspired by that. Then I drew Sonic being horny to Amy. That was a pain to draw and write the dialogues for. There's also a Mouth Sounds reference here, which is another album by Neil Cicierega.

Then Shadow came over. Now while I watched those comic dubs I mentioned earlier, I did not know the actual ages of Shadow and Amy. So when I saw a comic dub where Shadow is shipped with Amy, my friend told me that Shadow is 50 and Amy is 12. I was shocked lol these comics are CRAZY. This is where I forgot to do something: add up the ages. The comic was supposed to take place where everyone has aged at least by 10 years, so Shadow is 60 and Amy is 22. That.. doesn't help anything, but at least they're adults now. Also when showering, the black bar on Sonic's was bigger but during the "chili dog" race the black bar is shown smaller. It wasn't intentional but I guess this now implies that Sonic performed well more during shower. why did I say that

Let's take a look at the references. I already mentioned some references before so I'll just talk the ones I left out. Sonic encountering Amy when she's having fun with Shadow was inspired by my older project in this little game called Level Maker. I will not explain how I incorporated it to the comic. Second, Shadow's black bar that left both Amy and Sonic surprised was inspired by a thumbnail of a Yo Mama video where one of Brady Foxx's clones is.. yeah I'm not gonna explain that. Then the black bar mentions COPPA. The comic dub I'm making will be age-restricted and have lots of warnings in the start. Also did you see Shadow flipping Sonic off??

4. Trouble at Tails'

You can read it here

We can see the voice inside Sonic's head telling Sonic to go to Tails' workshop. Also it will be the last time he will be shown and he will never return. Say bye to the voice inside Sonic's head! So sad. Sonic then called Tails "a retard". I don't know if I will get antagonized when using that word but I only put it in this comic for once. So I'm very sorry if I offended anyone here!

So Sonic put a spell on Tails. Now I have the whole text! It's this:

..which when translated is..

Pretty cool, right? Now it cuts to this slide. The background was different because all left was a background that has been already combined with other layers so I have to start again. Fun fact, there was supposed to be another slide between this and the one Sonic casting a spell, but I lost it. Tails was supposed to say something in the lines of "Beep boop I do your order" with an intentionally bad grammar.

Another fun fact, Tails was supposed to construct Sonic's clone by getting Sonic's DNA. I conducted a poll in a private Discord server on how would Tails get his DNA and the majority is split between blood and sperm. The day after, I thought about the idea being stupid so I scrapped it all over. Sonic then gets a chance to meet his clone, with a different eye colour. Sonic mentioned "tell us about yourself" to his clone, I forgot why did I put the pronoun "us" instead of "me" lmao. I don't know why this slide has a different aspect ratio but I don't want to fix it :P

Alright, that's it for the overview. Now it is time for the references. "Asshog" is a portmanteau of "asshole" and "hedgehog". Sonic asserting dominance is a reference to that one meme where a black void figure is chasing a running person in a hallway. Sonic mentioning "hot gay sex" was inspired by this video. The way Tails presented The Cloner 3000 was inspired by Dr. Doofenschmirtz, but the 3000 part of the name was inspired from.. actually I don't know. I've heard people in media saying fictional inventions and end it with 3000. It probably originated from Mystery Science Theatre 3000. The way Tails tripped and fell into the cloner machine and electrocuted and burned was unfortunately is a reference to an unfortunate event, when Thomas Edison's company filmed an electrocution of an elephant. That was so evil.

5. The Mourning

You can read it here

The first part's pretty self-explanatory. Knuckles came to Tails' workshop only to found him burning dead with The Cloner 3000. Then, Knuckles was kinda telling everyone off-screen that Tails is dead. Espio then came to his funeral. I added Espio so that the funeral is not attended by just Knuckles, Shadow, and Amy. Also I didn't know where to put it, but Knuckles couldn't find Sonic anywhere to tell Tails is dead so that's why Sonic didn't attend the funeral. Did you guys notice that when kissing, Sonic and his clone isn't even exchanging lips? They're just standing close to each other like a Minecraft character lol.

Lots of things going on here, and most of them are references I'll mention. There's lots to mention so I will mention them now. So first off, Knuckles' farewell message is a rickroll in disguise. Tails' picture on top of the coffin was unintentionally bad, and I think it looks like Stampylonghead's persona now. The face on Knuckles' lecture stand is the OC of a certain user I won't name from the game Level Maker. Amy's pregnancy reveal was a reference to a YouTube short I saw some time ago. I think it was by Ong Squad or something. Can't really control directly what you see in those kind of platforms that's why I quitted. Speaking of Amy's pregnancy reveal, that was also the only time I have to draw a character in a different perspective.

Those things that Knuckles threw at Amy was rings. Forgot to mention this, but Tails' coffin also have a ring attached on top of it. Shadow then permanently left Amy and kept hiding from her because he doesn't want to pay for child support. Espio helped Knuckles to bury Tails. Tails' gravestone said that he was born in 1992, which was his first appearance in Sonic 2. The way "waz" was spelled kinda inspired from "Sonic Sez".

6. I Love You

You can read it here

Starting off, we have a slide with an unintentionally different aspect ratio! Seriously I don't know why this keep happening. Zork the Zorkhead is a parody of those Sonic OCs that are always potrayed in a good light, like Christian Weston Chandler's awesome Sonichu. The next slide mentioned that the stand's text was accidentally deleted when forgetting to duplicate a drawing in Ibis Paint. So that sucks. We can then see Sonic playing jumping ropes here with his clone. Now you may be thinking, why are there two of those? It's not Sonic's other clone, no. It's Sonic actually using his speed power for once! How did he do it? I don't know that's a cartoon logic. The next slide shows Sonic's eye looking weird. That is becausde I applied the motion blur before fixing the eyes.

The next slides are Sonic and his clone implying to have "hot gay sex" in a room (not shown). Moving on. Sonic then tripped on a rock and had to go to hospital. We can see Joe Biden happily fixed Sonic's knee but unfortunately told Sonic that he has AIDS. This is a reference to the AI generated meme where Luigi tripped and have AIDS. Also out of all people, why Joe Biden as a doctor? That is because:

  1. My friend, Johnlecat69 (this is his Discord server) suggested me to add Joe Biden somewhere to the comic.
  2. It just makes sense to have the president of USA, a nation with healthcare that isn't free, asked his patient all his life savings

Then there's the part where Zork is apparently rich enough to have a lambo and attracted a woman, which is Rouge. Rouge is, by the way, the last character I drew for the comic where I drew her sitting and standing. Zork being successful is also a parody on self-insert characters always being potrayed being very successful. Also this slide's aspect ratio is different too I don't know why this keeps happening bruh. Sonic then controlled the lambo. There aren't many references here, except for the fact that Zork attracting Rouge was inspired by Bart Baker, a YouTube legendary parodist, fell off by moving to China and posting his last English song being something that he would parody (Polydoge). Also this is the chapter with most slides, with a total of 34 slides! This is also the chapter I put the most effort into.

7. Recreation of a Certain American Event

You can read it here

This is the last chapter, where both Espio and Shadow plays a part. The first parts were filler, but it was to build up to the moment where Knuckles theorized that Sonic was the one who killed Tails. Let's just move to the part where Sonic and his clone pretends to ride a lambo. Notice the tree? So that part was not supposed to have a gradient. I was left out because I forgot to put another layer to the background, but it looks weird yet cool so I kept it.

The next slide is the only part with intentionally different aspect ratio than others, because I wanted it to the attention focused on Knuckles. For this, I screenshotted this. When I was writing this, I realized that you can just combined all the layers instead and then zoomed to Knuckles.

This slide was supposed to have Big the Cat sitting as the cashier thing, and the text that says that "you don't have to ring a bell" was to compensate this because I was lazy to draw Big the City, as he would only appeared once. Only once in this slide! Also Knuckles running was shown more than Sonic is kinda an inside joke now between me and my friends, Knuckles would also be memed as Mr. Fahrenheit from Queen's Don't Stop Me Now.

Knuckles brung out his gun to a broken window and began trying to shoot Sonic. Yes peeps, all of these are just JFK recreation. Have I succeeded into making the edgiest Sonic fan comic? No? Anyway, the one who got shot was Sonic's clone. Knuckles was confused on which one's the real Sonic and shot Sonic's clone instead. This is also to make a planned sequel making sense. And uh no one wanted to admit that they witnessed Knuckles' shooting, just to say how glad they are that one of the Sonics is gone.

Rouge then took over Zork's lambo and invited Knuckles into it and now they're married. Also, Zork's dead body is shown to not have feet, just to say how crappy some Sonic OCs can be. Rouge controlled her lambo and ran over the already-dying Sonic's clone. The End... ...or was it? It was planned to have Moist Cr1tikal reacting to all things happening and put the silliest similes ever, but I feel like these are just fillers and it will just waste my time.

8. What's Next?

So.. was I successful into making the edgiest Sonic comic ever? Well to be honest I have no idea and I let you decide. As I just mentioned earlier, it is planned to have a sequel. I don't want to spoil many things out, but let's say things get.. dystopian. It would take place 2 years after the first events that's for sure. Also the comic dub will be uploaded to my active YouTube channel. Also also do you remember Johnlecat69? Well he is also making his own professional satire. Join his server to know more lol. Anyway that's it for the commentary. This is the first time I do this kind of thing so I might need some feedbacks. There are many ways to do that, you can comment on any of my SM linked in the home page. You can also private message me in Discord. My handler is mrquokka. (this includes the dot at the end) or if you don't want to friend me just chat me in John's server.

Lastly, I want to say thanks to Neocities for providing a free website hosting. I know I've been complimenting them, but using Neocities was how I learned HTML. Also opening Neocities, let alone having a website in it, is blocked in Indonesia and I don't know why. I have to use a VPN to get my way here. Speaking of Indonesia, I've said that I'm not a native English speaker. So I'm sorry if this commentary has some grammatical errors! Thanks. I ran out of things to say, so uh stay safe and goodbye! Hope you have a pleasure evening.

poop poopity scoop scoopity whoopity poopsy whoopsy joopsy