Hello! Welcome to my personal website for hobbies. I'm Siap and I like to draw and play games. Right now, I currently am posting a comic series that satirizes Sonic's fandom. Wanna learn more about me? Click this!

Inconsistent Weekly Update (DD/MM/YY)

8/7/2024 - Hey everyone! Just checked the website and it hit 770 views, who's actually reading these? Lmao. Anyway, I'm thinking of making another comic strip but this it can be enjoyed for people at the ages of 7-18 and it would be about some random creature idk

24/07/2024 - Hey everyone! Forgot to say this but one month ago I experimented with CSS, but I reverted it because I didn't like how it turns out. Also, Sonic's Love Quest sequel is in the works! Just a sneek peak: it will be about Sonic joining the mafia and quickly rise up in power. Another thing I wanna say is I might release the assets of Sonic's Love Quest soon! That's right! You could make your own Sonic's Love Quest comic! If it happened, don't forget to uh somehow tell me!!!!

Sonic's Saga!

VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! These comics have some gory and lewd themes into them, and it may not be appropiate to some people.

Read Sonic's Love Quest:


I'm passionate on making (unfinished) games, here are some of my proudest works

Other Links!

I have two YouTube channels right now. One is an archive of an older one and another is where I constantly upload. Check them out!

Soaphead Archives, an "archive" channel of my older videos. Be wary that what I used to post may fall into the definition of cringe.

SiapStuff, a channel where I post what some consider "trashposts"

I own a PlanetMinecraft account and that's where I'm active. Yeah, I play Minecraft occasionally too! ..although what I posted there are mostly unrelated stuff.


I have a Discord account. Contact me on: mrquokka. (the dot at the end required!)

This website is hosted in Neocities

Thanks to the people at Neocities for providing a free web hosting! I'm not sponsored at all to say this, but if you want to try making a website on your own consider trying Neocities.